Acts Of Violence – Cole Hauser & Bruce Willis


Acts of Violence (2018)

Starring: Cole Hauser, Shawn Ashmore, Ashton Holmes, Melissa Bolona, Bruce Willis, Sophia Bush & Mike Epps

Directed By: Brett Donowho


When his fiancee is kidnapped by human traffickers, Roman (Ashton Holmes) and his ex-military brothers set out to track her down and save her before it is too late. Along the way, Roman teams up with Avery (Bruce Willis), a cop investigating human trafficking and fighting the corrupted bureaucracy that has harmful intentions.

If you guys enjoyed Taken and Four Brothers, then this movie will satisfy you completely. Cole Hauser takes the lead as the tough older brother Deklan, who is suffering from PTSD, he was a soldier in Afghanistan. The other brothers are second oldest Brandon (Shawn Ashmore) and younger brother Roman (Ashton Holmes).

The movie starts off with  two children a boy and girl being chased by two bullies, they finally end up at the boys house, but the bullies catch up with and start hitting them, two other boys come round from the side of the house and start beating on the bullies and letting the boy and girl get up and into the house. this is our first introduction to the three brothers, from that moment on we can see there a tight family and will always look out for one another. When we fast forward to present day we see the brothers grown up, each has their own lives, we learn the young boy getting bullied at the start is Roman, the baby brother, he is marrying the young girl from the start, Mia (Melissa Bolona). She is practically family as she grew up with boys, but lived with her foster family.

Were introduced to Detective Avery (Bruce Willis) and his partner Detective Brooke Baker (Sophia Bush) , we see him leading an assault on a building being used a brothel, full of girls that have been hooked on drugs and trafficked. After a firefight Avery ends up in a fist fight with the pimp, who just happens to end up ‘falling’ off the roof.          As I mentioned at the start if you did like Taken and Four Brothers, then you will like this. Cole Hauser is awesome as the lead kick ass brother, who when he sees his family crumbling steps up and takes action. Bruce Willis merely has a cameo role, and Mike Epps takes a step back from comedy and goes full on movie bad guy, I personally didn’t think it would work having him as the bad guy, but he pulled it off and was convincing. The action once it all kicks off is pretty damn cool, mostly shootouts. The standout moment for me would be the shootout at the end, where the villains make an assault on the family home. Very reminiscent of the Four Brothers house shootout.

I personally liked the pace of the movie and enjoyed it, the movie had some nice twists, a couple of things i didn’t see coming. I would recommend watching.


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